iPad Innovation is the key to development and dentistry is not an exception.First there was no radiograph then came conventional radiograph then came high speed radiograph and Digital radiograph or RVG and now Apple iPad. You will say ( What ! an iPad?) yes an iPad. It's an innovation by Apple inc.which has been accepted by medical and dental field warmly.I have discussed How to upgrade your dental practice with Apple iPad in earlier post and written about the change this gadget can bring.You can check 10 free iPad application for dentists Today in Digital Radiograph or RVG we shoot an X-ray few moments later it appears on the computer screen and then you interpret it and discuss it with your patients. Now Kodak have made a RVG system which is iPad compatible and if you have an iPad or iPhone you can see and review this X-ray image directly on your gadget write reports and save it. You must have Two thing for it. 1.RVG Mobile software in your iPad...
To inspire , To achieve
It is an interesting case. I should ask my chandler dentist about it as well. Thank you for your blog. Have a nice day.