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Insights on Mercury toxicity

                             Insight approach on Mercury toxicity

  ABOUT: Mercury is a heavy, silvery-white metal. As compared to other metals, it is a poor conductor of heat, but a fair conductor of electricity. It remains in use in scientific research applications and in amalgam material for dental restoration.
                              Symptoms typically include sensory impairment (vision, hearing, speech), disturbed sensation and a lack of coordination. The type and degree of symptoms exhibited depend upon the individual toxin, the dose, and the method and duration of exposure.



 Mercury is the most important component in the dental amalgam.Although amalgam has been an important contribution in the field of restorations. But, is it safe ?

 Dental Amalgams the "silver" fillings in your teeth, Is It Safe?
Dental amalgam, the material in “silver” tooth fillings, contains approximately 50 per cent of the highly toxic heavy metal mercury. But is it safe to put so much Mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive metal known to man, into the mouth of a person? Mercury used in dental fillings comes into the dental office with the poisonous cross and bones symbol right on the product information insert. Legally when the mercury is taken out of someone’s mouth it is considered a toxic waste that needed to be treated in a very specific way but dentists around the world pretend its safe in the mouth. .

                Is Mercury Amalgam Fillings Slowly Poisoning Us?
             The "silver" fillings in your teeth - Dental Amalgams - are still widely used by the dental profession in most parts of the world. The "Amalgam" consists of a mix of metals - Generally 50% Mercury, 35% Silver, 15% Tin and other metals. But is it safe to put so much Mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive metal known to man, into the mouth of a person? There is now a growing mountain of evidence that it is NOT safe to do so. Some countries, like Sweden, Canada and Germany, have either banned or imposed serious limitations on Amalgam usage.  
 There is now compelling evidence from reputable scientific bodies such as the World Health Organisation that, despite claims from pro-amalgam bodies such as the American and British Dental Associations (ADA/BDA), mercury is NOT "locked" safely in the metal bonds in the teeth, but can leak slowly into the body, often causing severe illnesses. These are reckoned to possibly include ME/CFS, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimers, and a whole range of "auto-immune" illnesses. In fact, just by damaging the immune system, Amalgam could be contributing to an even broader range of illnesses.

 Mercury's extreme cytotoxicity and neurotoxicity is a major factor in the neurological conditions, along with its inhibition of basic enzymatic cellular processes and effects on essential minerals and nutrients in cells. Mercury is also documented to cause imbalances in neurotransmitters related to mood disorders. A direct mechanism involving mercury's inhibition of cellular enzymatic processes by binding with the hydroxyl radical (SH) in amino acids appears to be a major part of the connection to allergic/immune reactive conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, lupus, eczema and psoriasis, scleroderma, and allergies. Immune reactivity to mercury has been documented by immune reactivity tests to be a major factor in many of the autoimmune conditions

Mercury concentrations in the occipital cortex vs. number of amalgam fillings.

 Despite the endless, false, greed-oriented propaganda campaign to the contrary by the dental industry, and its ongoing campaign of persecution and excommunication of dentists with the intrepidity to warn the public about this health hazard, mercury in silver-amalgam dental fillings does indeed migrate into human brains.

Mercury poisoning (also known as hydrargyria or mercurialism) is a disease caused by exposure to mercury or its compounds. Mercury (chemical symbol Hg) is a heavy metal occurring in several forms, all of which can produce toxic effects in high enough doses. Its zero oxidation state Hg0 exists as vapor or as liquid metal, its mercurous state Hg22+ exists as inorganic salts, and its mercuric state Hg2+ may form either inorganic salts or organomercury compounds; the three groups vary in effects. Toxic effects include damage to the brain, kidney, and lungs. Mercury poisoning can result in several diseases, including acrodynia (pink disease), Hunter-Russell syndrome, and Minamata disease.
Symptoms typically include sensory impairment (vision, hearing, speech), disturbed sensation and a lack of coordination. The type and degree of symptoms exhibited depend upon the individual toxin, the dose, and the method and duration of exposure

Signs and symptoms

Common symptoms of mercury poisoning include peripheral neuropathy (presenting as paresthesia or itching, burning or pain), skin discoloration (pink cheeks, fingertips and toes), swelling, and desquamation (shedding of skin).
Mercury is thought to inactivate S-adenosyl-methionine, which is necessary for catecholamine catabolism by catechol-o-methyl transferase. Due to the body's inability to degrade catecholamines (e.g. Epinephrine) a person suffering from mercury poisoning may experience profuse sweating, tachycardia (persistently faster-than-normal heart beat), increased salivation, and hypertension (high blood pressure).
Affected children may show red cheeks, nose and lips, loss of hair, teeth, and nails, transient rashes, hypotonia (muscle weakness), and increased sensitivity to light. Other symptoms may include kidney dysfunction (e.g. Fanconi syndrome) or neuropsychiatric symptoms such as emotional lability, memory impairment, or insomnia.
Thus, the clinical presentation may resemble pheochromocytoma or Kawasaki disease.

Precautions :
1.The clinic should be well ventilated.All excess mercury and amalgam waste should be stored in well -sealed containers.
2.Proper disposal systems should be followed ,to avoid environmental pollution.
3.Spilled mercury is cleaned as soon as possible,to avoid any complications.
4.Skin , if contacted with mercury should be washed with soap and water. 
5.The use of ultrasonic amalgam condenser is not recommended as a spray of small mercury droplets is observed surrounding condenser point during condensation.
6. Any excess mercury should not be allowed to get into the sink,as it reacts with some of the alloys used in plumbing.It also reacts with gold ornaments. 

7.RECYCLE SYSTEM : The 5-Gallon Sharps Dental Amalgam Recycling System contains everything required to safely recycle dental amalgam and certain other dental waste, properly package it for shipping, and return for recycling via UPS. Each system consists of an inner and an outer bucket; the inner Contact Amalgam bucket is lined with a plastic bag for small amounts of mercury, amalgam-containing items that have come in contact with blood and saliva, sludge from filters, and teeth with amalgam. The outer bucket is used to contain lead foil, used lead aprons, non-contact amalgam, x-ray fixer, and radiographs.

                                   HOW DO I USE IT ?

Fill the 5-Gallon Sharps Dental Amalgam Recycling System inner pail with contact amalgam (that amalgam that has come in contact with blood and saliva), disinfect with non-chlorine disinfectant (included). Place non-contact amalgam, lead foil, radiographs, lead apron, disinfected amalgam separators, and/or used fixer (in original container) in outer pail. Complete paperwork, package as instructed, and ship via UPS (shipping pre-paid) for recycling. Tracking of proper recycling available through Recycle Tracer

                                     There is no question about the fact that the international dental community has been strongly reducing the use of amalgam for filling carious teeth;the main reason,however,has been esthetic demand from the patients rather than a toxicological need.
             As a usefull reminder to the students,the best filling is the one that has never been applied;the most effective therapy is prevention !!



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